Hearts and Stories - Sign Up Now!

Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Hearts and Stories

Hearts and Stories

Play with shapes and draw feel-good fantasy art!

Hearts and Stories is an online art course between March 17 – May 10, 2025. We’ll start with a simple heart shape and build a bigger picture step by step!

Hearts and Stories has 4 modules. Each module has 3 videos and additional written material. With this course, your sketchbook or art journal can become a creative storybook that you want to fill page after page!

March 17 – Module 1- Beautiful Hearts and Words

Hearts and Stories online art course, module 1.

Let’s draw hearts and pick pretty words from our favorite books. Create ultimate sweetness with simple tricks and tips!

March 31 – Module 2 – Good Morning, Princess!

Hearts and Stories online art course, module 2.

Home is where your heart is, and thus, art can be your home. Let’s connect many small ideas and awaken our imagination!

April 14 – Module 3 – Radiant by Day, Dreamy by Night

Hearts and Stories online art course, module 3.

Every journal needs the sun and the moon! To fill a heart is to send love and hope for the world.

April 28 – Module 4 – Sense and Sensibility

Hearts and Stories online art course, module 4.

One heart, two opposites. We need both sense and sensibility in our art and in our lives.

Your Teacher Paivi Eerola – A Painter Who Loves Drawing

Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet.

Even if I am a full-time artist, my life in Finland is very mundane. I work at home, take the dogs out, then sew or knit.

In my mind, my ideas are often tiny and modest, but every time I start to draw, I remember that a simple shape can breathe, fly, and meet other shapes. With this mindset, it’s easy to start creating.

When my creative energy is low, I use the picture-in-picture approach: pick a paper and draw something small, and then use it as a collage piece for a spread in my art journal.

The best storybooks are not only those we create ourselves but those that call us to draw more. The excitement of drawing is what every artist needs to maintain. By drawing we not only think, drawing releases our mind.

Hearts and Stories – Supplies

Collect all your colored pencils , felt-tip pens and watercolors! You will also need paper, a few brushes, pen for journaling, pencil, eraser, sharpener, masking tape (optional), scissors, and double-sided tape or paper glue.

Supplies for the online art course Hearts and Stories. Dylusions Creative Journal  Square.

Paivi creates her pages into Dylusions Creative Journal Square that has 8 by 8 inch-size pages, but you can use any journal or sketchbook that has fairly thick paper. For hand-drawn collage pieces, Paivi uses Fabriano Accademia drawing paper (thickness 200 gsm) but you can use any drawing paper that works with watercolors. You can also use thin watercolor paper or Bristol paper. The idea is to use up what you have.

Out of the Box into the Heart – You Can Do It!

If you are over 18 years old and can draw a heart (no matter how asymmetric it is), this course is for you.

This course is versatile. If you don’t like to draw faces, draw flowers or animals instead. You can replace hearts with circles, squares, triangles, and stars – any geometric shape will do! The topics can also be altered. It’s your storybook! (Or a folder, box, pile of papers – where ever you want to treasure your art.) The projects have both techniques and expression. We don’t copy reference photos but draw freely and focus on the atmosphere. The idea is to get you hooked on creating art.

Learning Together

With Hearts and Stories, you will also get a membership for the Bloom and Fly Facebook group, where you can share your work and have conversations with the teacher and fellow artists. This membership is for 2025, so you can continue coloring and sharing your art for the rest of the year.

Yes, I Want to Join Hearts and Stories!

Pay with a credit card or PayPal.

Technology Needed + Refund Policy

All the information and services are provided in electronic format. You will need Internet access and a personal email account. The documents are in PDF format, and the videos are offered as a streaming service on a web page. You can access the material as long as you want if you download the document and the videos to your computer within 6 months from the course end date. If you download videos, you will also need an application to view and download MP4 videos. You have to be over 18 to join the Bloom and Fly community. You can cancel your registration by sending an email to paivi@peonyandparakeet.com before March 14, 2025. After that, all sales are final.

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