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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

32 thoughts on “Video Blog: Paper Pieces, Wooden Pieces

  1. Thanks for sharing your smash book. I also liked seeing how you organize your paper scraps. It’s hard to strike a balance between saving things to reuse vs. being buried in clutter. It looks like you’ve found a way that works well. It must take discipline, though!

    1. Claudia, thanks! I know that some people hate the saying “place for everything and everything in its place” but it works for me!

  2. I’m excited to see the finished wood project. And I want to watch the video of your smashbook every day!! It has inspired me to get ready for the day so I can enjoy some creative time. I’m also going to work to cut down the amount of paper pieces I have. I never would have guessed that you keep all of yours in two boxes. Inspiring.

  3. hi Paivi! thank you for sharing this video. your finished small smashbook is a delightful! i would name your 2 boxes of painted/doodled pages “treasure boxes of bits and pieces!” i wish i could scale down all the leftovers i save….and then forget to use! i’ve decided to make at least one smashbook from only my leftovers and bits and pieces. so i will collage what i have saved into a smashbook-and probably add doodles-journaling, etc. i think some i will cut, some i will tear, make mosaic designs….the skies the limit. but i need to purge so much that i have saved/and forgotten to use along the way. i think it will be a nice collection to “smash” my own bits and pieces of art into an entire journal. you have inspired me once again…as usual! <3 jenny

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I think that one good thing to have only those two boxes is that they can be kept in hand all the time. Also, I never forget what I have because I do not have so much. Have fun using your papers!

  4. Great smash book Paivi – all the different elements are just beautiful and harmonious! Inspiring as always.

  5. Great advice and having those two inspiration boxes is a wonderful way to get and keep control. Wish I had started out that way. I use my house as an inspiration box and get lost inside with all the stuff! Too big and paring down is probably something my daughter will do when I’m no longer in visible form. This weeks post is so good and your links – WOW. The advice that is on the shared blog link is so entertaining – I laughed out loud but also agreed with it. Thank you so much for a special post.

  6. Wonderful video. Hope you will show us the finished wooden art. Thanks for the organizing tips, too.

    1. Thanks, Meg! We have been working with the wooden collage piece by piece and it might take some time but yes, I will show it to you when it’s finished!

  7. Oooh lovely! I love too how you can express your feelings about the little bits. Please may we see the finished collage in place when it’s done?

  8. Wonderful video! I loved your journal, but the tip about the two boxes was great too! I have to try that out… 😉
    Can’t wait to see how your wood collage comes out! <3

  9. Many thoughts running through my head about myself in watching this video. I think you are a wonderful person and have been so blessed with your talent! Thank you so very much for sharing. Keep creating, please.

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