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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Author : Päivi

Vermeer Girl With Heart – Draw With Me!

Draw a Vermeer girl by following my formula!

Modern Vermeer girl by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. See how to draw this by following her tutorial! Colored pencil art.

This drawing is a modern version of the painting “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer. Here, the earring is not the center of the attention, but a heart and flowers steal the show. I have made a simple formula to draw and color the girl’s face, and then you can put your own twist on the head and add whatever decorations you want there.


You can use colored pencils, watercolor pencils, watercolors, acrylic paints, oil paints – or any medium that has a possibility to create color mixes. My example uses colored pencils. For the face, you need three browns: one dark, one middle, and one very light brown. You also need a little bit red for the lips and black for some small details. White is optional. When working on white or almost white background, you can just leave the white areas uncolored as I do in my example. I do use a little bit white to blend the red of the lips into paper white.

Colors needed for a simple portrait.
Black, three browns, red, and white.

I created my Vermeer girl directly on an art journal page. My art journal is Dylusions Creative Journal Square. Pick a journal or a paper that works well with your supplies.

Vermeer Girl – Shape by Shape Formula

To succeed you have to trust this formula. Don’t look at the original painting, follow the picture below only. Copy the shapes as accurately as you can, and don’t think about drawing a face. The girl will appear when you have all the puzzle pieces in place!

A simple way to draw a Vermeer girl with only few colors. Formula developed by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. See more in this step by step tutorial!
Vermeer Girl Shape by Shape – Click the image to see it larger!

Start from the first picture and color the shapes so that they have sharp outline edges. Then blend the skin colors so that the transition from one shape to another is softer.

Starting the Drawing

If you want to put all kinds of fun stuff on the girl’s head, place the face on the left bottom corner. I marked the spot where I started the drawing with a green arrow on the photo below.

Starting to draw the face of a girl with a pearl earring. Following Paivi Eerola's formula for the face.

At first, the face doesn’t look like one at all. But this kind of abstraction will bring out the realistic look. Reality is always more abstract than we think.

Drawing Sharp Shapes

Human faces are very organic, so the shapes are too. Examine the curves of the formula in detail, and avoid straight lines. The more beginner you are, the more you are tempted to draw too straight, avoid that!

Starting a Vermeer girl in colored pencils. Following a shape-by-shape formula made by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet.

Once all the pieces are in place, the face makes sense. Take the image in front of the mirror to see if there are any distortions. If the mirror image looks wrong in some way, get back to the formula and check your shapes!

Drawing shapes for a portrait. Checking that the mirror image works too. Portrait drawing tips.

When you are satisfied with the sharp shapes, go to the second step of the formula: blending.

Vermeer Girl – Achieving the Old World Look

Old paintings have softness that our photo-oriented era doesn’t often express. We prefer sharpness over blurry. However, life is often blurry and your Vermeer Girl will look much more alive if you soften the edges of shapes, especially on the skin.

A Vermeer girl in progress. See more pics in this tutorial.

Color on the top of the shape with the neighbor color so that the shapes integrate and look less separate. Now you can also adjust the shapes a bit more freely. I lengthened the big dark brown shadow because my face became a bit longer than in the formula.

Small changes in faces can change the personality quite a lot. I think that’s fascinating! You can start from the Vermeer girl, but then end up with a character of your own.

Drawing Decorations

First, think about the size of the decorations: do you want plenty of small ones or only a few large ones. Beginners easily draw something between, but I think this portrait will look better if the decorations are either a bunch of small ones or a few large ones. I chose the latter and placed a couple of big flowers and a heart on her head.

Making a modern Vermeer girl. Drawing flowers and hearts in colored pencils.

I colored the decorations freely and used no references for these. I like the contrast between the face’s carefully constructed softness and the free coloring of the flowers.

I move on to color the background just before I am finished with decorations. This way I can still change them a bit if needed. The background often gives life to the whole image and brings in more ideas for the drawing.

Starting the Background

Not only the girl’s face is composed of shapes, the background can be like that too. The only difference is that now you can freely improvise the shapes. Start with one color and sketch by coloring!

Coloring the background of the portrait. In progress photo of a Vermeer girl in colored pencils.

Think about the streams of air and imagine how the girl moves when she is posing in front of you.

Building the Color Scheme

To make the portrait look unified, you need to repeat the colors. My background started as blue, but in the picture below, it has started to get more brown tones. The pinks of the flowers also blend into blue. Color several layers and use a lot of blending near the edges.

I added the surrounding colors to the center of the heart like it would be a mirror. This also helps in harmonizing the atmosphere.

A modern version of girl with a pearl earring in progress. Colored pencil art tutorial by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet.

You can also play with patterns: color small shapes inside a bigger one! When located in the background, the patterns can be subtle and muted, so that they don’t steal the whole show.

Finishing the Vermeer Girl

When you are close to finishing, look at the original Vermeer painting and see how she partly disappears in the background. Especially the dark brown in the neck area can be blended with the background.

Finishing a modern version of Johannes Vermeer's painting Girl with a pearl earring. This one has a heart and flowers instead.

Dark background looks great with the lit face. Vermeer girl with a heart makes a wonderful Valentine’s day page in any art journal!

Vermeer girl in colored pencils. An art journal page by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. Drawn in Dylusions Creative Journal.

I hope this project made you grab your pencils and other art supplies!

Hearts and Stories – Sign up Now!

Come to play with hearts and other simple shapes! We use colored pencils, felt-tipped pens, and watercolors. Sign up for Hearts and Stories!

Hearts and Stories is Coming Up – Sign Up Now!

Hearts and Stories - draw feel-good fantasy art - sign up for the online art course!

I have a birthday in February, and I try to always launch something fun at this time of the year. This year, I wanted to encourage everybody to create and offer a fun drawing course that is based on simple shapes. I call this feel-good fantasy art because it’s inspired by feel-good novels and how drawing with imagination can provide the best fantasies.

My new online art course “Hearts and Stories” will begin in March, but it’s now on the early-bird sale! The sale ends on Feb 16, at midnight PST.

>> Watch the video and sign up here!

Expressive Watercolor Flower Collage

This is a sequel to the previous post “Flower for Your Art Journal” where we painted a watercolor flower step-by-step and used it as a collage piece for an art journal spread. This post has more ideas. Now we will paint more flowers and leaves. I also share some tips for artistic expression so that your collage will be more than just a stiff collection of flowers.

Watercolor Flower Collage, how to paint the flowers and make an art journal spread. By Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet.

I have created this spread in Dylusions Creative Journal Square. The paper that I have used for collage flowers is Fabriano Accademia Drawing Paper (200 gsm/94 lbs). My watercolor set is a mix of artist quality pans from different brands. I have finished the spread with colored pencils. You can see these in action in the video of the previous blog post. The previous post also has the basic step-by-step instructions for painting a layered-looking watercolor flower. Let’s now look how you can do more and expand the basic idea!

Get More Variation – Grow Flowers More Naturally!

Instead of painting a separate flower by outlining it right in the beginning, grow a flower from the background!

Paint from the edges to the center.

Painting a background to bring out a watercolor collage flower.

Add more layers.

Adding more layers to the background with watercolors.

While you wait for each layer to dry, you can paint more basic flowers as instructed in the previous blog post.

Painting watercolor collage flowers. In progress photo.

When you can almost see a flower forming in the center, you can start painting petals on it.

Painting watercolor flower collage pieces.

Maybe you can also find smaller flowers near the big one, as I did.

Painting a watercolor flower intuitively.

Cut out the big flower but keep the background too. We will use it for leaves.

Watercolor flower collage pieces on an art journal page. Dylusions Creative Journal ideas.

Add finishing touches to cut flowers with colored pencils.

Get More Variation – Paint Leaves!

Use the background for leaves.

Painting leaves for watercolor flower collage.

Leave some background visible between the brush strokes to get veins. The thinner the veins, the more elegant the leaf looks!

Let’s Pause and Talk About Colors

Ï only made one pink flower for my collage. Other flowers have different colors. If you look at the finished piece, the pink flower really pops up because it’s so different. The green flowers may look unnatural when you have them as collage pieces but in the final piece they look like cousins of the green leaves and the result is natural.

Watercolor flower collage in Dylusions Creative Journal Square. Art journaling ideas.

When you want to build expression, some flowers have to be less important than others. That’s why you can use any color for both flowers and leaves. For example, you can have blue flowers and blue leaves. These are secondary elements to the focal point.

Get More Loose – Let Watercolors Make Some Flowers!

Put most of your energy to make the main flower, as beautiful as you can. You can then paint other flowers very loosely. Namely, some flowers can be more in the background and because flowers are very 3-dimensional things, their outline is often asymmetric. Think about a peony, for example! It has many layers of petals and they point in different directions.

With a fairly broad brush and quite a lot of water, paint multicolored spots and call them flowers.

Painting collage flowers loosely.

You can add some brush strokes on the spots to make the flowers a bit sharper. However, these loose flowers are much less detailed, see my selection below.

Watercolor flower collage in progress.

Before attaching the flowers and leaves, add color to the background.

Get More Expressive – Paint a Multicolored Backround!

Backgrounds with only one color are boring, and not only for the viewer but for the maker as well. Different colors form different areas and when attaching the flowers you have much more fun deciding where to put which flower.

Attaching watercolor flowers on painted background.

I let my background guide me: yellow flowers in the yellow area, green flowers and leaves where the similar tones are, and the pink flower in the center that has the warmest tones. This creates the effect of lighting – the flowers and the background are exposed to the light of similar tone and that makes them look less separate.

Watercolor Flower Collage and Colored Pencils

With colored pencils, you can easily add curvy stems and other delicate lines and darken the surroundings of the focal point so that it catches the eye right away.

Finishing floral art with colored pencils.

Notice that you can also push some flowers further back by coloring over them with background colors.

Working with colored pencils over watercolor collage.

My blurry and loose flowers get green tones. And I also add yellow to the background to push it visually closer to the flower.

Watercolor flower collage - a detail.

Drawing curvy stems makes the collage flowers look less stiff.

Watercolor flower collage - a detail.

You can also add more subtle details to the background by coloring over it with very similar colors that it already has.

Watercolor flower collage - a detail.

Some green details are a little lighter, some little darker, and that’s makes them visible but not too much – the pink center flower has no competitors.

Next-Level Watercolor Flower Collage with Tension

I know that using dark colors is hard for many. These times need light and you want to make bright art, I get it. But light needs darkness to shine. I always finish my work so that it has the tension between the so-called good and the so-called bad. It has sharp and bright details, traditional beauty, safe and tame areas. But also dark colors, unclear, sometimes even scary-looking wilder parts. This tension makes the collage natural because life is like that.

Finnish artist Päivi Eerola and her art journal spread.

I hope this post inspired you to create more watercolor flower collages!

Flower for Your Art Journal – Step by Step Video

Let’s pick watercolors and colored pencils and make a flower for your art journal! Scroll down to watch a step-by-step video!

Flower for art journal, instructions by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet

This flower can be a rose or a peony or any round and layered species. For me, it’s not so important which flower it is, but what kind of personality it expresses. Here I aimed for a soft but unapologetic character. Every flower you create will become a bit different, and soon you’ll have a collection!

Flower for Art Journal Page – Watch the Video!

The instructions for the flower and all the inspiration for using it on a page is in the video below! We’ll start with watercolors to make the foundation for the layered look and then add more sharpness with colored pencils. Some patience is required because you need to let the watercolors dry between the first steps.

In the video, I encourage you to adjust the center of the flower, the flower’s sould. Find a look and personality that appeals to you!

Including the Flower in Art Journal

In the video, I also show how you can use the flower with almost any background and make a spread for the flower in the spirit of Freely Grown.

Flower art journal spread by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet
My art journal is Dylusions Creative Journal Square. It holds water quite well.

I hope this week’s video and the last week’s blog post about picture prompts inspire you to art journal and create art in general!

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