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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Author : Päivi

Art Exhibition in Villa Albert

This week, I have photos from the group exhibition I am currently participating. It’s called Taiteilijat Edelfeltin tunnelmissa – artists in the mood of Edelfelt. And here are four of us from left to right: photographer Niclas Warius, painters Kristina Elo and me, and another photographer Maarit Lehto. The sculptor Kaj Lindgård is also in the exhibition, but missing in the photo.

Photographer Niclas Warius, painters Kristina Elo and Päivi Eerola, and another photographer Maarit Lehto. The artist of the group exhibition in Villa Albert.
Photo by Mika Lindqvist.

The red wooden cottage in the background is a summer studio of the famous Finnish painter Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905). It is in the possession of a private foundation Albert Edelfeltin säätiö that cherishes the memory of Edelfelt. Even if it’s just a small cottage, the location in Southern Finland is beautiful – near the sea and very near Porvoo, which is a small town popular with tourists.

Haikko, Porvoo, Finland. The forest path to Villa Albert.

Albert Edelfelt painted here in summer and then went to France for winters.

Albert Edelfelt's summer studio in Porvoo.

When you look at the studio from the sea, you can see the gallery Villa Albert behind it. The foundation built it in 2019.

Albert Edelfelt's summer studio in Porvoo.

The gallery is a nice space with a small shop as well. All visitors who come to see Edelfelt’s studio, come first to the gallery to buy the tickets.

Villa Albert, museum shop

The head person of the gallery Hanna Kaarina Syrjäläinen is very skilled at hanging the exhibitions. I was so satisfied with how my paintings were displayed. Here an editor of a local magazine interviews me before the opening.

Artist Paivi Eerola's interview at Villa Albert.
Photo by Mika Lindqvist.

The foundation organizes concerts and other cultural events in the gallery. I think my paintings look great behind the grand piano!

I had 12 paintings in this space and four minis in a separate showcase.

Paivi Eerola's paintings at Villa Albert.

The gallery was full in the opening. The gallerist made a lovely speech about the exhibition.

Artists Maarit Lehto, Päivi Eerola, Kristina Elo, Niclas, Warius and the gallerist Hanna Kaarina Syrjäläinen. Opening of the exhibition at Villa Albert. Photo by Tiina Apilo.
Photo by Tiina Apilo.

Unfortunately, I don’t have photos of the other artists’ pieces, but do visit these websites to see their work:

It is an honor to be in the company of these artists!

I had a good time in the opening meeting new people who like this kind of art that has a connection to art history.

The artist Paivi Eerola talks about her work at Villa Albert. Photo by Tiina Apilo.
Photo by Tiina Apilo

After working on the paintings alone for a long time, it’s so nice to hear what others see in them and tell about the creation process that started early this year.

At the opening of an art exhibition. The artist Paivi Eerola talks about her work. Photo by Tiina Apilo.
Photo by Tiina Apilo

My paintings were mostly from this year, but there were some from the last year. I think it is a cohesive collection and as a whole, maybe best what I have presented so far.

Finnish artist Päivi Eerola and her paintings at Villa Albert, Haikko, Porvoo, Finland.
Photo by Mika Lindqvist

The exhibition continues until October 1st, so if you are in Finland this fall, do visit the Albert Edelfelt Studio Museum Villa Albert!

P.S. See the previous posts to see the paintings more closely. I still have a couple of pieces to show you, and now I feel the urge to draw, so more art to come in the next weeks as well!

Honest Talk About Being Artist

When people talk about an artist, they think of someone who paints ecstatically for days on end.

Starting a new painting, painting in progress. About being an artist.

“Get a real job,” say some. “Get a job that is work and not just art.”

Work + Art = Artist

But really, art is work and besides that, it is also art. The difficulty of this work is that it has to be developed like any work, i.e. as routines and processes, but it still has to be art as well.

It has to be art that expresses living and experiencing in such a way that breaks boundaries and habits.

Painting abstract art. A brush on canvas.

It has to be art that appreciates play as much as work.

Being a playful artist. Hand-drawn dolls from the online art course Doll World.

And it has to be art that takes all of you but receives criticism without being crushed.

Photographing a finished oil painting.

Being a Working Artist

I have painted a big series all spring. At the same time, I have written emails, social media messages, blog posts, and exhibition descriptions. I have edited the videos recorded in the fall for the course Doll World. I have applied for a new grant for the new paintings and luckily got it. I have participated in an artist training program that lasted the whole spring. I have varnished, packed, and taken paintings to exhibitions. I have handled financial matters. Fortunately, my husband helps me with the transport of paintings and accounting.

Paintings packed for transport. Being an artists includes all kinds of tasks.

These are just a part of all the tasks other than painting or getting ideas for paintings.

Now in July, I have been a bit tired. It’s been a lot of work and on top of that, there’s this art part.

Dreams, Goals, and Reality

Many of my art books were purchased when I dreamed of becoming an artist. These books describe art as a fun game and show a colorful life. I look at those books with completely different eyes than before. Being an artist is much more than that, at least if you want to move forward.

Paintings that are freshly varnished. Being an artist requires performing all kinds of tasks.
Freshly varnished paintings in my little studio

My goal has been to make art that I love and that others love so much that a few pieces outlive me. When I set the goal, I didn’t think about what would happen after that. I achieved the goal a couple of years ago. I am pretty satisfied with many paintings and I know people who also genuinely like the pieces they have purchased from me.

It’s surprising that after that, something new and desirable has regularly come up, just like in any job.

Being an artist is pretty much like any job.

Magic of Imagination

I would like to always write about being an artist authentically like this, and on the other hand, I don’t want to bring it all to the table all the time.

I feel that it’s natural and important for humans to express themselves creatively. I want to inspire everybody for it in this blog and in my courses.

Imagination through art. From the online drawing course Doll World. Getting playful with colored pencils.
From the course Doll World

And especially, I want to inspire everyone to imagine, because it’s the imagination that breaks boundaries and habits. It’s the imagination that uses the skills to make art.

In that respect, being an artist is really not just any job. And that’s why I love this job even when I am a little tired.

What do you think?

Finding Emotional Connection Through Imagination

Imagination and emotional connection go hand in hand in art-making. If you don’t feel a connection with what you are creating, bring in more imagination and treat different areas of your work as characters – even if you won’t be including any humans. Let’s look at this example!

Kesäpäivä kalliolla - Summer Day on the Rock, 30 x 40 cm, oil on canvas, by Päivi Eerola, Finland.
Kesäpäivä kalliolla – Summer Day on the Rock, 30 x 40 cm, oil on canvas

This small painting is part of a series I made for the Albert Edelfelt Foundation exhibition. It will take place in August-September.

Inspired by Albert Edelfelt

Starting a painting.

For the colors and composition, I was inspired by Albert Edelfelt’s artwork “Koivujen alla – Under the Birches”. It is not this painting that I photographed in the Albert Edelfelt exhibition at the Ateneum Art Museum, but another similar work that I made a mirror image of.

Koivujen alla II by Albert Edelfelt.
“Koivujen alla II” by Albert Edelfelt, 1882.
However, I was more inspired by another “Koivujen alla.” See the picture here!

My version of “Koivujen alla” didn’t have any people. Instead, I used my imagination to depict human characters in the form of a plant and an object.

Combine Inspiration and Observation!

A good way to get the imagination going is to combine two different things. For example, if you saw an artwork that inspired you to create, also gather unrelated observations from your surroundings. This way, you need your imagination to bring them into the same image.

In this project, I remembered a pine seedling that I had seen in a nearby rocky forest. The name of the area is Pöllökallio (owl rock) and we often go there with our dogs. This little pine tree was like a bonsai! It was so sweet that I took a photo of it.

A small pine tree on the rock - nature's bonsai. Art inspiration from observations.

When the pink color of Edelfelt’s painting met a crooked stem of the pine, a tree-like rose was born!

Emotional Connection by Asking: Who is This?

The rose became the most challenging part because I wanted it to resemble the woman with a hat in Edelfelt’s painting. I thought about the hat when I painted a rose, but it didn’t work at all.

Adjusting a flower painting with a small brush. Finiding emotional connection when painting abstract florals.

But then I came up with thinking about the character of the woman instead of her hat. That way my imagination met the emotional connection, and I quickly got the impression I wanted.

Build a Story to Boost the Emotional Connection!

One of the most common problems is that our art is full of separate islands. The sun might shine but the effect doesn’t show elsewhere. The person may smile but the eyes are not affected. There may be three ladies but what are their roles? Use your imagination to find connections between these islands and add elements that make the overall story make sense!

A detail of an oil painting by Paivi Eerola. Building emotional connection through connecting elements.

In my painting, there are not two women like in Edelfelt’s painting, but a rose, a leaf, and a feather – three introverts! The rose reaching for the sky has agreed to be the center point. The leaf examines herself through the pond. The feather has been a part of a bigger adventure and is now ready to shift the focus to others.

The small pond is a central element here. It brings the leaf and the feather together.

You can also see the colors of the rose elsewhere in the painting. For example, there are flying thoughts (red lines) that the rose tries to catch, and a bigger punch of roses that is in the background.

Expressing emotional connection. A detail of an oil painting by Paivi Eerola.

The painting is about three romantic introverts who went on a trip to a rocky forest on a lovely summer day. They are together, but in their own thoughts, just like the women in Albert Edelfelt’s painting.

Paivi Eerola and her oil painting Kesäpäivä kalliolla - Summer Day on the Rock. It's a story about three introverts going on a trip.

When we paint or draw people, we hope to bring the character to life with their facial features. But we don’t need facial features to find an emotional connection. Once you get the hang of it, you can draw or paint anything, even just different shaped spots on paper.

What do you think?

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