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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Flowers & Plants

Inspired by Nature – Finishing a Series of Paintings

This week, I celebrate a big finish – the series of ten nature-inspired oil paintings that I started in July!

Four small oil paintings by Päivi Eerola, Finland. How to plan and finish a series of paintings.

The series has four small, four medium-sized, and two big paintings. All of them are some kind of floral landscapes.

Small Paintings + Video!

I worked from big to small. I like to start the series boldly and then pick ideas from them for smaller pieces. This is the last painting – Rapunzel of the Garden:

Puutarhan Tähkäpää - Rapunzel of the Garden, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Puutarhan Tähkäpää – Rapunzel of the Garden, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!

Because of the small size, this painting required very thin brushes and a lot of precision. Here’s a 1-minute video where you can see me painting it:

These are the rest of the small paintings:

Varjon lohtu - Comfort of the Shadow, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Varjon lohtu – Comfort of the Shadow, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!
Samettikukan sointi - The Sound of the Marigold, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Samettikukan sointi – The Sound of the Marigold, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!
Ruusun henki - The Spirit of the Rose, a small oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Ruusun henki – The Spirit of the Rose, 20 x 25 cm. See more pics in the Taiko art store!

I like the idea of having a secret tiny treasure, so I try to make the small paintings look like that.

Medium-Sized Paintings

The medium-sized paintings are in two parts: two are smaller, and two are bigger. I like to paint “sisters” – so two paintings in a row or at the same time so that they complement each other. It’s an easy way to create variation in the series.

Toivomusten metsä - Forest of Wishes, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Toivomusten metsä – Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

I like to name each painting of a series so that the titles have some kind of similarities. For example, the previous series all had celestial bodies in their names, and the one before that was a V-series – all the titles started with the letter V. This time, the similarity is not perhaps so evident, but it’s there – all the titles have a genitive form.

Unelmien kevät - The Spring of Dreams, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Unelmien kevät – The Spring of Dreams, 40 x 50 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

Four seasons are also present in this series. Expressing seasons is an idea that I could repeat in future series too.

Talviyön runoelma - Winter night's Poem, a medium-sized oil painting by Paivi Eerola.
Talviyön runoelma – Winter night’s Poem, 60 x 80 cm. See more pics in this blog post!
Currently on display at the exhibition “Talven taikaa” in Galleria K, Vantaa, Finland.

In every series, there are paintings that have seeds for the next one. In this series, I like how abstract I went with Winter Night’s Poem, and the natural look in The Echo of Moss inspires me a lot. These two will set the foundation for the next series.

Sammaleen kaiku - The Echo of Moss, a medium-sized oil painting by Päivi Eerola. read her blog post about creating a series of paintings!
Sammaleen kaiku – The Echo of Moss, 60 x 80 cm. See more pics and a video in this blog post!

Usually, I am exhausted after finishing a series, but this time not so much. I have many ideas and already ordered the canvases. I like to plan the size of the series and the sizes of the paintings beforehand. Before I even begin to make any background studies, I have ideas on interiors they could fit or galleries or exhibitions they could go to, and decide the size based on those.

Big Paintings

Even if all my paintings are my children, I can’t help picking my personal favorite of the series. In this one, it’s Tiger’s Eye.

Tiikerinsilmä - Tiger's Eye, 100 x 80 cm, oil on canvas, by Paivi Eerola, Finland. See her blog post about finishing a series of paintings.
Tiikerinsilmä – Tiger’s Eye, 100 x 80 cm.
Currently on display at the gallery Gumbostrand Konst & Form.
See more pics in this blog post!

Tiger’s Eye is a sister to another big painting – Queen of the Night.

Yön kuningatar - Queen of the Night, 100 x 80 cm, oil on canvas. By Paivi Eerola, Vantaa, Finland.
Yön kuningatar – Queen of the Night, 100 x 80 cm. See more pics in this blog post!

I like the drama in these big paintings.

Nature Inspired The Series of Paintings

Often, people ask an artist: “What inspires you?” and the artist responds, “Nature.”

But I think that it’s really important for an artist to get more specific. For me, it’s the plants – who they want to be and what kind of world they hope to build. I love to imagine what kind of personalities plants have.

A flower girl. Colored pencil art by Päivi Eerola.

In the upcoming class Doll World, the plants become alive as flower girls!

Doll World - an online art class for drawing people in adorable nature-inspired dresses.

Come to draw people in nature-inspired dresses – Sign up here!

Preparing for Sales Events

This week’s post is about something that I have been doing lately: preparing for sales events!

Sale items for art sales events

I participate in four events:

For me, this is a lot! Fortunately, I have had time to prepare. For example, I got the deadline for the suggestions for the curated group show on Sept 1st. I was then able to apply and have new work specifically painted for the gallery.

Of these four, I am most anxious about the 2-day Christmas sales event even if it’s the smallest one! I have a sales table there, and I haven’t been preparing one for ages. I enjoy selling face-to-face, so it’s also something that I look forward to. It’s also great to see all kinds of sales items on one table and make a nice selection.

Selecting Sales Items – Delivering the Experience of an Original

Even the smallest sales table is a chance to strengthen your artistic voice and communicate your art brand. Most customers may buy postcards and other affordable items only, but still – we want to give them the whole experience. People have come back to me saying: “I remember you. I bought one card from you a couple of years ago, and I look at it every day.” I like to think that with the card, they also buy a piece of the world I am presenting to them. That’s why I always try to include original art as well.

Here’s one of the small paintings that I just finished. It’s called Samettikukan sointi – The Sound of the Marigold.

Samettikukan sointi - The Sound of the Marigold, 20 x 25 cm, oil on canvas, by Päivi Eerola, Finland
Samettikukan sointi – The Sound of the Marigold, 20 x 25 cm, oil on canvas

The Sound of the Marigold is a sister to a piece that I showed you earlier called Ruusun henki – The Spirit of the Rose. But when I placed the paintings side by side, I wanted to make adjustments to the rose painting so that its’ color scheme is less similar. So here’s the new version of The Spirit of the Rose:

Ruusun henki - The Spirit of the Rose, 20 x 25 cm, oil on canvas, by Paivi Eerola, Finland
Ruusun henki – The Spirit of the Rose, 20 x 25 cm, oil on canvas

Here are the two versions together so that you can compare the changes.

Before and after finishing touches, finishing a painting
Before and after – Click the image to see it bigger!

I am going to have small stands for them so that they will stand out from the rest of the selection.

Two small paintings by Paivi Eerola, ready for a sales event

There are also a couple more small oil paintings. They are still in progress, but I hope to finish them soon so that they have time to dry.

Small paintings in progress

I have noticed that people who don’t regularly go to art events forget the difference between a photo and an actual painting. – like it would be the same browsing the feed or picking a postcard as watching an original.

A6 and A5 printed cards for sales events, by Päivi Eerola, printed at Moo.com

On my sales table, prints will dominate in quantity. And because most of them are pictures of oil paintings, I also want to deliver the experience of an original oil painting. With the four small ones, I can hopefully present one medium-sized original, maybe Forest of Wishes.

What A Part of Your Audience Expects to See

In my experience, some people are interested in a specific art technique. Previously, when I had the sales table at a similar event, there were some who wanted to talk about watercolor painting and were disappointed that I only had one example or so. These are people who are art hobbyists themselves and who are potential customers for my classes.

Watercolor paintings for sales events, by artist Paivi Eerola

I used to paint a lot in watercolor, but lately, not so much because they don’t sell as well as oil paintings and have a low price point. Because I need to make a living and because I enjoy creating big paintings, I have focused on oils. But this time, I thought I would take a bunch of watercolor paintings with me and set the price lower than expected. If I still actively sold watercolor paintings, I wouldn’t do that, but now I see the chance to reach this part of the audience and show my watercolor work.

Watercolor paintings for sale, by artist Paivi Eerola

Because most elements of my style were developed in watercolor first, these pieces fit well with cards that have oil paintings.

A5 cards with satin finished, printed at Moo.com, Paivi Eerola's art for sales events

These cards came out gorgeous! They have a satin finish and are bigger and thicker than standard postcards. I ordered them as well as the cards from Moo.com (affiliate link, but I would recommend them without one too!)

What to Leave Out

Many times, I have put everything I have on the sales table, and that’s never been a good thing. You might have potential best sellers, but bringing items that don’t make sense to them will ruin the sales. For example, I brought fabrics with my designs and some craft items to an event focused on fine art. And vice versa, I took some original art to a craft show. Yes, you might get some sales from the odd items, but confuse most of the audience.

Price can be a reason to exclude some too. For example, if the organizer takes a percentage of the sales or if the price of the sales table is high, selling the most affordable items doesn’t necessarily make sense. And vice versa: when people come for good finds on their way to the shopping center, selling the biggest and most expensive pieces can be hard.

This painting – Tiger’s Eye – has been waiting to get to a curated exhibition that interests art collectors. Now I am happy to pack it and two other paintings for a big gallery show.

A big painting varnished for the gallery show, by Paivi Eerola, Finland
Tiikerinsilmä – Tiger’s Eye after varnishing

My oil paintings always get a varnish and a hanging wire so that they are ready for hanging on the wall.

In my experience, original art that is ready to hang is more tempting to buy than pieces that require, for example, framing. However, if the price point is very low, it doesn’t always make sense to frame the pieces. Whatever the case, it’s always good to present a unified collection and leave out some that are too different in size, style, or frame than others.

When selecting work for the small postcards, I left out many paintings I like and value. For example, many of my big paintings are not so great for postcards. Their details get lost in the tiny size, and their subject is more suitable for decorating interiors than sending wishes.

And then some paintings are quicker but more suitable; for example, Kukkiva maa – Flowering Earth that I painted in acrylics for the class Floral Freedom.

Postcards for sales events, selling and marketing art

I think it’s perfect for a postcard – full of colors and flowers!

How You Will Be Remembered

Many times when I have been preparing for the events, my behavior has been on my mind: Am I able to show my enthusiasm? How could I not only make sales but be remembered afterward too?

But the best answer here is quite technical. You should have something to give that has your contact information on it. And all your products should have your name and website – or at least an email – on them. I use the same tactics, the same generosity that is, that I have used with selling online courses. I give something for free and invite people to see if I am suitable for them. On the sales events, I have small cards that have different pictures – details of my art – and I invite people to pick one that they like.

Moo mini cards for art sales events

This begins a conversation about their likings about them, and when they have the mini card, I can serve them better and be remembered too.

The postcards also have contact information printed on the back.

Back side of a postcard, printed at Moo.com, designed by Päivi Eerola

There’s also another artwork as a frame.

Back side of an A5 card, printed at Moo.com, designed by Päivi Eerola

I think about these features as generosity as well. I have taken the time to design the back to make the cards even more valuable.

Sales Events Are the Opportunity to Test

Even if it’s good to have a unified style and selection, the sales event is also an opportunity to test new ideas and approaches. I like to do tests that are not big new things but hidden in the small stuff. This time, I made a postcard of my colored pencil work to see how many people can recognize the medium and how many are interested in this style of drawing.

Paivi Eerola's art on glossy postcards, printed at Moo.com, ready for sales events

This postcard is composed digitally of many colored pencil pieces.

Digital collage of colored pencil artworks by Paivi Eerola

As you know, I am not just an oil painter, but also love colored pencils. It would be fun to talk about them too.

This leads us to my course sales event on Black Friday weekend. All classes will be on sale and registration for the new class Doll World will open. Doll World will begin at the beginning of January.

Sneak peek at Doll World - drawing poses and clothing, an online art class
Sneak peek at Doll World – drawing poses and clothing

During the years, I have learned that if I love the class, there’s a possibility that you will love it too. The same goes for all art really. We have to pamper it and give attention to its needs. And when the course or the painting asks: “Will there be anyone for me?” we must say: “Yes, my dear – kyllä kultaseni – sometimes it will just take a little bit of time.” We both feel vulnerable about this.

Paivi Eerola with her oil painting The Spring of Dreams - Unelmien kevät
Unelmien kevät – The Spiring of Dreams ready for a big gallery show

P.S. The engineer in me says that this is not a comprehensive article about setting a sales table. But I intend to share some pics when I set the actual table on December 3-4 at Galleria K, Vantaa, Finland. So stay tuned for Black Friday sales and future blog posts!

Autumn Colorings – Video Blog post!

This week, I have a video blog post for you. I talk about this journal spread that I made for my colored pencil diary, but there are also more autumn colorings, art ideas, and inspiration for creating in the middle of life’s small happenings.

One of the autumn colorings from Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. A spread from her colored pencil journal.

In the video, I am talking about colored pencils, the upcoming class about paper dolls and human figures, my friend’s artistic success, blooming orchids, Japanese woodblock print style and style development, and I also draw a Halloween pumpkin from start to finish. There are all kinds of autumn news and autumn colorings!

Autumn Colorings – Watch the Video!

I hope this video inspires you to create and give some extra TLC to your colored pencils!

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Fall or Fairytale? – Creating Your Forest

This week, I talk about the colorful bridge that art can build between real and unreal.

Toivomusten metsä - Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas, 2022. By artist Paivi Eerola, Finland.
Toivomusten metsä – Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas, 2022.

This is my latest oil painting called Forest of Wishes. My fall is filled with those – wishes! Wishes that can’t be fulfilled.

I wish winter would only last a day or so. I wish there would be regular life for regular people – not war, not suffering, not lack of anything. And while I am thinking about these melancholic thoughts, it feels like my creativity ignores them and lives in a fairytale. I want to draw you in this fairytale too. I hope these pictures inspire you to create and make life more magical!

Hello Fall – Hello Colors!

In art, colors can make a fairytale. My oil painting brought this older watercolor piece to mind. Like “Forest of Wishes,” this one uses blue in a similar way: to create a connection with the viewer. It’s a reminder that blue can be strong and soulful and approach the viewer, not just stay still in the background.

Hello Fall, a watercolor painting by Paivi Eerola. A forest scenery.
Tervehdys, syksy! – Hello Fall, 38 x 28 cm, watercolor, 2019.

There’s also a video of painting this!

This painting started with the reference photo, but once the painting process got further, the expression replaced it. And splattering with a brush is a lot of fun!

The Magic of Growth

When I look at our garden, the wonders of summer become visible when trees prepare for fall. They have grown a lot, for example, this monkaburi – a pine tree that we planted a few years ago. Back then, it felt like it would take forever for it to form a gate over our heads, but now it already has a branch that grows over the path.

Monkaburi in the fall

The magic of growth also happens when filling a blank paper or a canvas. First, there’s very little life, but by adding more colors, shapes, and layers, we can grow a forest.

Fairytale painting in progress.

Sometimes the forest comes in one piece, and other times in many little pieces.

The same applies to artistic growth: sometimes it happens quickly, other times more gradually. I like to break the rules of being a serious artist only and allow play to show me the magic.

A beagle and a ball in the fall.

I want to learn from Saima, our youngest beagle. She is obsessed with the ball, but when we mention that to her, she seems to laugh: “It’s only a hobby!” At the same time, fetching the ball seems to be both her passionate work, but also a tool for imagining and playing.

Fall Fairytale

In the forest of wishes, we want to use a different mirror for ourselves – not to see the limitations but imagine the potential. It’s an exciting place that has many dangers as well.

A detail of Toivomusten metsä - Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas, 2022. By artist Paivi Eerola, Finland.

Going deep can take us deep down, but when combined with play, the humor steps in. Here’s my wish for a winter that would only last one day!

Playing with handdrawn and handpainted scrap reliefs. By Paivi Eerola.

Ask: “Is it the fall or is it a fairytale – real or unreal?” And then answer: “Today it’s a fairytale, a colorful escape!”

A detail of Toivomusten metsä - Forest of Wishes, 40 x 50 cm, oil on canvas, 2022. By artist Paivi Eerola, Finland.

Art can truly add magic to our lives. I feel that life isn’t real without the unreal.

Paivi Eerola and her painting in the fall garden.

What do you think?

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