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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion


Happy Holidays with Video Artwork

This week, I have a video artwork for you. Here’s how the background story goes:

Far away in an unknown land there is a crazy chapel. Your imagination is this chapel. When you’re there long enough, you can see anything, and experience anything, and some of it leaves a mark on your heart and thus on your art.

A screenshot of the video artwork called Crazy Chapel. Animation art composed and programmed by Paivi Eerola.

Art is born when you deviate from the paths and go alone to scary places. When you say: “That bench is just an inanimate object,” but still see it breathing. When you say: “These ornaments are just decorations,” but still see them dancing. Then time goes in a direction you don’t recognize, and you can’t control everything that starts spinning in your mind. This wild and crazy imagination is the source of both creative and spiritual life.

Crazy Chapel – Watch the Video Artwork!

Crazy Chapel, programmed animation with music, 2024. Click the last icon on the right to watch full-screen!

I made this video artwork “Crazy Chapel” digitally step by step. The music was improvised on the iPad. The shapes were drawn in the Blender 3D modeling program. The movement and the generation of the shapes were programmed in C# programming language. The code and the shapes were put together in the Unity game engine. The introductory texts and the recorded scene were combined in the Da Vinci Resolve video editing program. This year was special to me, because I not only drew and painted, but also created animated art. (See more of how I make these animations: From Painting to Digital 3D – Video 1, Video 2)

Happy Holidays!

With the video artwork “Crazy Chapel”, I want to wish you happy and relaxing holidays. There are many ways to create, let’s celebrate it during these holidays!

Päivi and her handmade Christmas cards.

P.S. This blog will be on a break for a week, but will be back after New Year.

P.P.S. I have often publiched a video greeting near Christmas. For example, check the video “Dreaming and Painting at Christmas” from 2015!

Autumn Colorings – Video Blog post!

This week, I have a video blog post for you. I talk about this journal spread that I made for my colored pencil diary, but there are also more autumn colorings, art ideas, and inspiration for creating in the middle of life’s small happenings.

One of the autumn colorings from Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. A spread from her colored pencil journal.

In the video, I am talking about colored pencils, the upcoming class about paper dolls and human figures, my friend’s artistic success, blooming orchids, Japanese woodblock print style and style development, and I also draw a Halloween pumpkin from start to finish. There are all kinds of autumn news and autumn colorings!

Autumn Colorings – Watch the Video!

I hope this video inspires you to create and give some extra TLC to your colored pencils!

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine's Day by Paivi Eerola of Peony and Parakeet. Hand-drawn collage art composed digitally.

When like-minded hearts gather together, life feels wonderful.
What starts from a simple circle can grow wings,
and then support others.
Isn’t that what creating is all about?
Happy Valentine’s Day!

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