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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Collage Birds

Hope, collage bird, Birds of Happiness, by Peony and Parakeet

My new year’s resolution: in 2014 I am going to make an e-book showing my techniques and sources of inspiration. I have begun to create collage birds that I am going to include in the book.

Piece of My Heart, collage bird, Birds of Happiness, by Peony and Parakeet

I have always admired birds. I have four budgies as pets, and they have proved me that birds can be smart, skillful and full of compassion. I want to add positive feelings to my collage birds too.

Bird's nest, collage by Peony and Parakeet

Update in 2017

The e-book about collage birds never came true, but it was a seed for my most popular class Inspirational Drawing.
>> Sign up for Inspirational Drawing 2.0 here!

8 thoughts on “Collage Birds

  1. Paivi, as always your spirit and imagination Chirps out at us through your adorable little birds. thank you for all the inspiratation and lovely art work, it’s truly appreciated.

    1. Matty, thanks so much for you lovely comment! After reading it, I really felt that I have been able to give something to the readers. It is something that I try to put my skills to. I have got so much from art, that I want to give something back, more every year. Thanks again.

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