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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Dancing with Imagination – Mermaid Illustration

Dancing With Imagination, an art journaling page, illustration by Peony and Parakeet

The reason why I have been practising by drawing millions of circles, again and again, is this: I want to express myself through illustration. I want to put my imagination into work and make my toughts and dreams visible.

Dancing With Imagination, a detail of an art journaling page, illustration by Peony and ParakeetAnd I have more dreams. You might remember that I painted icons when I was a child. It led me to dream about painting new kind of icons: images that are not connected to any particular religion but which have the similar uplifting effect.

Now I have understood that I want to dance with the imagination, go beyond, not only religion, but also reality. I want to illustrate imaginitive stories, fairy tales, and use them to uplift myself and hopefully others too.

I have found this through art journaling. I have made many ugly pages before I have realized: I can take any direction I want with my art, with my thinking.

I want to cherish the power of imagination and welcome you to do so too!

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5 thoughts on “Dancing with Imagination – Mermaid Illustration

  1. No voi, kun Espoo on kaukana(?), olen tehnyt useamman journaling-kirjan, blogissani on kuvia sivuista, en vaan ole löytänyt saman jutun harrastajia täältä Tampereen suunnalta. Kursseja tännepäin, toivoo sirpa

    1. Thanks for your comment – kiitos viestistä, Sirpa! Kivoja sivuja olet tehnyt! Mahtavaa, että art journaling -harrastajia löytyy Suomestakin yhä enemmän! Toivottavasti pääsen joskus Tampereelle myös kurssia pitämään!

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