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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Drawing in Art Nouveau Style

Art Nouveau drawing by Peony and Parakeet, see the video with phase sketches!

If I had a time machine, I would have no doubt where to go first. I would press the buttons and whoosh … enter the beginning of 19th century. First I would want to meet one of my favorite authors, Virginia Woolf, then have an evening with Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife Margaret. Maybe another brilliant architect Frank Lloyd Wright could join us.  Then I would spend a whole day with Alphonse Mucha, another with William Morris … There are so many to talk to and so many places to go. I would need weeks for my visit!

From Arts and Crafts movement to Art Nouveau and Art Deco – my love for art and design is mostly originated in those historical periods. I often try to hide it and be open to new ideas and various styles. But if I just need to draw something quickly or if I can choose freely, I am all for Art Nouveau.

Art Nouveau Drawing – Watch the video!

I am passionate about drawing and styles. I believe that finding your own style, increases the joy of creating. Last week I wrote that down and then began to ponder: could I share more Art Nouveau in this blog? So, here you are, in the middle of Art Nouveau themed post and at the beginning of the video blog post where I will show you how I draw in Art Nouveau style. But more than about Art Nouveau, this video is about the importance of doodling and sketching. Promise me, never stop doodling!

Art Nouveau drawing by Peony and Parakeet, see the video showing how it is made!

 Did you notice my William Morris curtains at the beginning of the video? Tell me, what are the styles and artists from the past, that you admire?

Doodle with Art Nouveau in mind: Buy Doodled Luxury!
Color my Art Nouveau drawings: Buy Coloring Freely!

18 thoughts on “Drawing in Art Nouveau Style

  1. Really enjoyed your video. Great reminder that all works of art begin with a sketch or a doodle! Many thanks!

  2. Paivi! Thank you for sharing your process. I just discovered your blog last week and already I’m making more art. The doodling is very helpful in getting into the flow. I also liked your watercolor class. I will try my own art nouveau this week. I just love your style!

  3. Great post today and her hair is such a different but nice style! There is one swirl in your original that I haven’t seen before and just fell in love with – but it didn’t make it to the second line drawing. The swirl is on the right side and you will probably know which one I mean. Is it not nouveau? or just you wanted to put in another flower? I think it is a great swirl and plan on using it in some of my doodling – just never thought of it. THANK YOU!

    1. Mary, thanks! Leaving the swirl out was not a conscious choice, the marker paper is semi-transparent so everything is not clearly visible. I think it is good because it forces to create a new version of the artwork, not just a copy. Have fun wih those swirls!

  4. Very much enjoyed your video – it was very helpful for me as I find doodles both beautiful and intimidating. Thank you for sharing your process.

  5. Love Art Nouveau, especially Mucha, Morris and Mackintosh! I also love watching your drawing process…you are so talented and you inspire me.

  6. You are such a talented artist! I learn so much from watching your videos. Thank you for sharing!

  7. I love all your creative ideas Paivi. I’ve been busy making my doodled, layered background patterns and have enjoyed it so much! I love Art Nouveau too and Mucha is one of my favorites. I have not heard of marker paper. What is it. Is it easy to buy?

  8. Thanks, Francie! Great to hear that you have been creating! Marker paper is a special paper for marker pens, for example Copic marker paper is good, available at Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/1M9mp5U
    I have also used Schoelleshammer marker paper. In general, marker paper is available in art supply stores.

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