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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Experiencing Art

Expericence Art in an Art Museum, a digital art journal page by Peony and Parakeet

I read an article about how strongly people respond to art. It claimed that art museums are like churches. A visit to them is an experience which can change you. That reminded me of the unforgettable experience which I have illustrated in this digital art journaling page.

Art Museum Experience

About 15 years ago I visited a modern art museum in Nice, France. I was traveling alone, attending a conference which was located near the museum. Walking in the isles of the museum, I began to think of my busy life and how I approached it. Suddenly I noticed that I was staring at a painting. I could not take my eyes off it. It. Half of the painting was painted black, and another half was white. It was the kind of artwork that many people would have commented: I could have painted that!

But really, if I talk about myself, I could not have painted that! Still, it was not only the visualization of my thoughts but also some kind of solution to my anxiety. I realized that I loved that painting because I so strongly believed in black and white: how good it was to pursue extremes. I had difficulties to accept that most of the days are practically various shades of grey. There in the museum, I was in my church seeing my ideals. When I left the museum I decided to make some compromises, make my life a bit easier. It did not anymore mean that I had to work against my values. It was more about accepting human errors as a part of the life.

Even if I never saw that painting again, thinking about it still gives me consolation and perspective to life. And even if I often write how you need to experience art by creating it yourself, art can truly offer experiences in many other ways too if we just open ourselves to it.

I have experienced ART by Peony and Parakeet

What has been a significant work of art for you and where did you experience it?

If you art journal – now there’s a subject worth documenting! (Read my tips on how to get inspired by fine arts)

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