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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Expressing an Aha Moment through Art

Should Be Higher, a detail of a collage by Peony and Parakeet

Being a visual person I often have problems expressing my thoughts through words. Especially if I need to explain those aha moments when I suddenly understand something that used to be only complex and strange.

A snapshot from the concert of Depeche ModeThe story of today’s collage began a couple weeks ago when me and my husband went to the concert of Depeche Mode. I had bought the tickets as a birthday present for him. Depeche Mode is one of his favorite bands but I hated the music. It was too introvert, strange and edgy for me.

But after staring the band for song after song, I began to open myself up to the music. It sounded pretty all right after a while. Then great. I got it!

I tried to analyze what happened. Perhaps my brains had been expanded! I felt like I had understood the formula how the music was stuctured but could not put it into words.

I saw colors. A sunny day. The window.

Should Be Higher, a phase photo of a collage by Peony and Parakeet

Something began to happen at the window sill. I put some ceramic pots there, then a porcelain figure, a horse.

Should Be Higher, a phase photo of a collage by Peony and Parakeet

Then the music began to play in my head: “You should be higher …” The party at the window sill began. A surreal world of rigid objects and mechanical rhytms came to alive. The temperature rised and the colors deepened.

Should Be Higher, a collage by Peony and Parakeet

One of the best things in art is that it combines the intellectual to the intuitive. This collage is very meaningful for me. It is not only the memory of the concert but also a proof that the world is as full of inspiration as long as I am willing to watch and listen to it.

Should Be Higher, a detail of a collage by Peony and Parakeet

Should Be Higher, a detail of a collage by Peony and Parakeet

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