Floral Fantasies in 3 Styles
Draw and Paint Flowers Like Never Before
Dive into Techniques that Make You an Expressive Artist!
Floral Fantasies in Three Styles is an online art class about flowers. Dive into the minds of illustrators, intuitive watercolorists, and old master painters! Each approach feeds the next, so you get more skills week by week. New! If you want to focus on watercolors, you can purchase Week 2 only!
Students say:
“I have a better understanding of how to practice combining my intuitive creativity with the actual making of art. I have been able to relax more and just let feelings flow into the colors and shapes. I was worried about feeling so much the amateur that I would be discouraged from continuing. Instead, I am excited and ready to continue!”
Catherine Cale, USA
“I found a way of working which I didn’t expect at all. And it gave me the confidence to trust myself in art. The class gave me the opportunity to develop myself as an artist and learn new skills.”
Marion Berkhout, The Netherlands
“For years I have been in awe and admiration of the old masters and their beautiful work. I now feel, with
Tina Mitchell, Nicaraguapractice I will be able to get to grips with the technique and maybe one day have a piece worthy of hanging on the wall. The course gave me the confidence and tools to try new styles of art and I loved learning more about them.”
Your Teacher: Paivi Eerola from Finland

Paivi is a full-time artist who has moved first from technology to design, then from design to art.
“I fully enjoyed this course! You are a wonderful teacher Paivi. I love seeing art through your lens and through your personal experiences. It most definitely adds depth towards my creative process by exploring various styles and techniques. I have learned so much from your input of all of our art pieces, and enjoy the support of all these lovely women.”
Christy Tattersall, USA
“I’m so glad I found you long time ago, but I’m even more happy that I dived into your classes. I think the love that I always had for painting finally got materialized when I took your classes. I think you gave me hope in this new path.”
– Susana Trew, Canada
Grow Your Skills in Four Modules
For each week, there are both a quick step-by-step project and guided challenges. Follow the weekly plan or progress at your own pace.
The class comes with 18 videos total – over 5 hours of carefully edited instructional and inspirational content with a 29-page document to accompany the videos. If you only purchase Watercolor Edition only, it has a 9-page document and almost 3 hours of videos.
Week 1: Less is More – Flowers as Designs

In the first week, you step into the role of an illustrator and learn to simplify without killing the liveliness and the playfulness of flowers. You get inspired by the 20th century’s illustrational styles: Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, and Scandinavian Retro.
– Technique: Hand-drawn collage.
– Quick Project: Building a floral design inspired by a flower photo.
– Challenges: Imaginative floral patterns or illustrations.
– Supplies: Pencil, eraser, drawing pen, scissors, gel medium or paper glue, drawing paper for the elements, thick paper or an art journal for the final collage, felt-tipped pens or your favorite coloring supplies.
Week 2: Loose is More – Flowers as Tool of Expression (Watercolor Edition)

– Technique: Watercolor painting without sketching.
– Quick Project: Getting inspired by the light and shadows in a flower photo.
– Challenges: Flowers with watercolors layer by layer with very little control.
– Supplies: Watercolors. Brushes in various shapes and sizes. Watercolor paper.
More is More! Week 2 also has an extra module for creating still lives without any reference photos. You will learn to paint glass vases, build a color palette, and grow your confidence in watercolor painting.

The extra module has in-depth techniques for layering, including the useful negative painting technique.
Weeks 3-4: Depth is More – Flowers with the Eyes of Old Masters
In weeks 3 and 4, you travel back in time and learn old masters’ painting techniques. Layer by layer, you build depth and glow. You get inspired by Renaissance masterpieces, Flemish floral still lives, and today’s fantasy art.

– Technique: Acrylic painting with translucent layers. An adaptation of the old masters’ painting techniques.
– Quick Project: Using a flower photo as a reference without producing stiffness.
– Challenges: Flowers in the old world style.
– Supplies: Charcoal, kneaded eraser, fixative. You can also use a pencil instead. Round brushes in various sizes. Small canvas or thick paper. Glazing medium. Acrylic paints in white, umber, and other colors of your liking. The teacher uses Golden Heavy Body acrylic paints. (A short list of colors if you don’t have any yet: titanium white, burnt umber, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, alizarin red, quinacridone red, yellow ochre, warm and cold cadmium yellow.)
“The old
Paula Snyder, USAmasters portion wasearth shaking for me. Really good material I’ll use all my life. I feel like I am turning a corner in my artistic growth.”
Bonus: Membership for Art Community Bloom and Fly!
With the class, you will also get a basic membership for the Bloom and Fly Facebook group, where you can share your work and participate in discussions with fellow artists. This membership is for the end of 2025, so you can continue drawing and painting for the whole year.
Now I feel the need to paint every day.
Patricia Bush, Canada
Yes, I Want to Become a Floral Painter!
Full Edition – 3 Styles
Weeks 1-4. Hand-drawn collage art, watercolors, acrylics.

Price: 109 EUR (about 115 USD)
Watercolor Edition
Week 2, watercolors.

Price: 49 EUR (about 52 USD)
Technology Needed + Refund Policy
All the information and services are provided in electronic format. You will need Internet access and a personal email account. The document is in PDF format, and the videos are offered as a streaming service on a web page. You can access the material as long as you want if you download the document and the videos to your computer within 6 months after the purchase. If you download videos, you will also need an application to view and download MP4 videos. You have to be over 18 to join the Bloom and Fly community. All sales are final.