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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Gold Caches of Your Artistic Journey

This week, I talk about the balance between following others and doing your own thing.

Kultakätkö - Gold Cache, oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, by Paivi Eerola, Finland.
Kultakätkö – Gold Cache, oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm.

– Do what everyone else does.

That’s what my mother often told me when I was a child. Her point was to encourage me to learn and be part of a crowd – important skills, but I hated that phrase. As if you shouldn’t deviate from the path, stop, or run faster!

Oil painting in progress.
The beginning.

As an adult, I learned that life is not just about moving on your own. Everyone needs public transport.

Helsinki Bus Station Theory for Artists

Have you heard about Helsinki Bus Station Theory? It is particularly familiar to us southern Finns. Most of the buses in Helsinki go a long way on the same road until they take a different direction. “Stay on the bus, don’t hop off too soon,” we advise. This also applies to many things in life.

Oil painting in progress.
In progress.

As artists, we don’t want to be like everyone else, but to hop off and find our own thing. And yet, to get to our own remote area with our treasures, we have to sit on the bus for quite a while. If we leave too early, we won’t find the caches, because they are much further away than we initially thought.

Traveling with Companions

We all have artistic talents that are strengthened by the journey together. This is why I teach classes.

If we get off too early, our talents won’t emerge. Ingenuity turns into chaos in the eyes of the viewer. Intuitiveness makes us do ordinary things because we can’t express its nuances. Sensitivity appears as unnecessary cautiousness. Analyticity produces a rigid impression and our personality is covered in an internal struggle about what the image should look like.

Oil painting in progress. Expressing yourself as an artist.

Through art history, I have understood that traveling with a companion can be enormously inspiring. As artists, we are always part of the past generations. When we look at old paintings, we can have a dialogue not only with ourselves and with our current teachers, but through our imagination, also with the masters themselves.

Gold Caches

Before I started this painting, I was looking at a portrait of Louis Pasteur by Albert Edefelt. Did Edelfelt guess how important a person Pasteur would become? I told Albert that we still benefit from Louis’s inventions. So, his glass bottles and notebooks were like gold caches.

Oil painting in progress.

My gold caches are found in nature. When I walk on the wide path of a nearby park, I often turn my gaze to the shadows. When the sun hits there, a humble plant suddenly finds itself at the center of the scene.

The sun hits a leaf and makes it golden.

When that happens, I don’t only stare at the star of the show, but look around and notice all kinds of other wonderful things.

A detail of Kultakätkö - Gold Cache, oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm, by Paivi Eerola, Finland.

As a child, I already knew that it is not always good to march on and act like everyone else. It just has taken all my life to express that by painting.

Päivi Eerola and her painting Gold Cache.

Did you know about Helsinki Bust Station Theory before? Where your gold caches could be? What do you think about all this?

16 thoughts on “Gold Caches of Your Artistic Journey

  1. Perfect, lovely Paivi. I always enjoy your insights. Like your paintings, they leave wonderful impressions to learn from, follow and enjoy.

  2. Dear paivi , Thank you for being my inspiration and thoughtful partner during my long dry spell. Life got in the way of my dreams. Thanks to you I’m recovering my artistic energy. Can’t wait to join some of your classes again. Will be joining you soon !

  3. Thank you Paivii. I haven’t heard of the Helsinki bus station theory but it makes a lot of sense when it comes to art. I feel like I learn so much from taking your classes and see my own work slowly improve and evolve into something that might be becoming my own style. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Paivi, you are such a unique artist – I wish I could see through your eyes. I thought I was fairly good at what I do until I “met” you. Wish I was a neighbor. LOL
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents.

  5. Your paintings are beautiful! They remind me of a ‘magical forest’ somewhere and are filled with movement and impressions of ‘Sylvan spirits’ flying around spreading joy. Please keep ‘creating your own thing’ and don’t be “like the others’. What you create is what makes you such a good artist, and your teaching abilities provide inspiration to others.

  6. Thank you for sharing your gifts from your “Heart’s Wisdom and Spiritual Awakenings” through your words and your art. Kiitos!

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