Last Bloom – Watercolor Pencil Inspiration
This week we celebrate watercolor pencils and the lifecycle of flowers. I hope this post fills you with watercolor pencil inspiration!

We in Finland have had a warm fall and many flowers are still blooming, even though it is already September. It inspired me to use yellows and oranges, which I love anyway.
Comforting Watercolor Pencil Inspiration
Lately, I’ve been editing videos for the upcoming course Joyful Coloring, which I recorded for the most part in the summer. I don’t know if the teacher can say it herself, the students decide that, but the videos are so inspiring!

So watercolor pencils are really calling me now. I bought 20 more when I found them quite inexpensively, even though they are a good brand: Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle. And I also bought more paper – Fabriano Accademia Drawing Paper. It is not watercolor paper but works well for colored pencils and is more affordable. When you draw a lot, pencils and paper get used up.

One of the best things about my job is that I can make “comfort drawings” for the blog. So, in the same way that there are comfort books, or comfort food, or comfort music, you can also make comfort drawings.

You can let colored pencils take care of all worries and unnecessary thoughts. Float in the sunshine and focus on everything beautiful!
Filling the Desert

I like to start a drawing with a scenery, which I then fill. This method is also taught in the course Joyful Coloring.

When immersing in the details, you can enjoy the fact that the world shrinks into a tiny area. I think that everything great and wonderful starts small. When thoughts decrease, possibilities expand. Then it is easier to invent and learn new things.
Meadow is a Town

I have looked at the last flowers of summer and admired their details. It’s amazing how much there is in a small meadow flower: stems, seedcases, and flowers and leaves in different stages. And when you multiply those, the group of plants forms a busy town. A meadow is like an upright map of intersections, stations, and roads that guide the bees.

Colors of this kind of world are coming and going. Nothing is permanent and yet everything is so comforting and full of life.
Joyful Coloring – Sign up Now!
The new course Joyful Coloring begins on Sept 16!

Get your watercolor pencils and join me to create freely with joy and sunshine! >> Sign up now!
6 thoughts on “Last Bloom – Watercolor Pencil Inspiration”
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Hi, Pavi,
Your paintings and drawings always have so much color they make me smile! Each one is special, just like you. If the world were to switch to black and white, I would wish that you would paint it many colors. Love your painting and your way of thinking!
Dani Kirchner
Colorado Springs, Colorado, US
Hi Dani, thanks so much for your comment! What a lovely thought to paint a black and white world with colors!
Hi, Päivi, I’ve already joined and am so excited! This way of painting is unusual for me, but thankfully I have all the equipment that I need. Sending love to you and everyone in the group as well.
I hope you’ll love Joyful Coloring! Thanks for commenting!
I like your color sheet matching your pencils. Saves time when searching for the desired color.
Yes, I also like to get to know my colors by building a color chart first.