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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Let Me Be Your Art Teacher

Paivi Eerola, Peony and Parakeet, in 1983During the years I have had all kind of art teachers. For example the bohemians of my childhood: two professional painters who taught on Saturdays at the children’s art school. Or that very strict old lady that gave exact instructions and kept the class of 30 teenagers busy with various techniques and approaches to art. I also remember a textile artist who taught freestyle weaving for adult students. She adjusted her view according to each student’s skills and desires. When I studied industrial design I was taught by an illustrator guy who was specialized in sketching the prototypes of sports cars. Despite of their different personalities they all had a big impact in my life.

What kinds of art teachers have you had? How have they impacted your life?

(Photo: Me 30 years ago at the art exhibition of the children’s art school)

There are some things that I would have liked to change in my teachers. They taught perspectives, techniques and theories but very little about self-expression. They showed the work of other artists but never spoke about the unique style that all of us naturally have. They gave exercises but never explained how to make creative thinking as a regular, enjoyable practice.

140224bI just had my 45th birthday and it’s about time to give back what life has given to me so far. So, I ask, let me be your art teacher! Let me show the fascination of using creativity. Let me give you new ideas how to find the artist in you. Most importantly, let me bring colors and imagination to your life. Whether your daily practice is just enjoying the images you feel drawn to or creating them yourself.

Say yes and subscribe to my newsletter to get new ideas and keep motivated to create beauty and meaning through art.

2 thoughts on “Let Me Be Your Art Teacher

  1. I am excited! Tell me more!! I love your apporach to motivation and finding the personal artist in me!!

    1. Thanks, Carolyn!

      I will have exercises both in my blog and via my newsletter. Hopefully they’ll inspire you!

      You are also welcome to upload your work to the new Flickr group “Inspired by Peony and Parakeet” http://www.flickr.com/groups/peonyandparakeet/

      If you do not know where to start look for the exercise at the latest post http://www.peonyandparakeet.com/bursting-circle/

      I will also create an ebook later this year that will be available for purchase. By subscribing to my newsletter you’ll be first to know all the good stuff!

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