Life in a Colored Pencil Diary
Recently, my life has not been a life of a middle-aged woman, but of a female tiger. With a new puppy, we have tried to find a balance in the family, and it has felt like a fight sometimes.

At some point in every evening, I become exhausted and demand my herd to calm down. It’s usually 21:34 exactly, so it seems that we run an accurate schedule.

But there’s not much else accurate in our life, because the puppy requires us – like my husband kindly puts it – to go with the flow. We are not talking about a flow state here, but a flow of random things that keep the puppy either awake or asleep.

I feel that the puppy is like a peacock which my husband, I, and our older beagle Stella stare at – the central character of our zoo who makes us happy or miserable, and often both at the same time.

We have had stress. Stella got ill and my oldest budgie Bonneville died, both sudden events.

But when Stella got back from the hospital, I began to think that we will survive. That the peacock sometimes looks like a dove, and that the rest of us can just admire its flight through the youth.

But that would be another page for my colored pencil diary!

P.S. For more colored pencil inspiration, remember to sign up for Intuitive Coloring!
4 thoughts on “Life in a Colored Pencil Diary”
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Sorry to hear about Bonneville. I am glad you have a team and skills to keep you going !
Thank you, Wendy!
Ah puppies! When our GoldenDoodle was a tiny little puppy I found myself wondering if anything would survive. But her chewing finally slowed down and she was housebroken eventually. Now she’s a 4 year old beautiful part of the family.
Thanks Yvonne, consolating to hear!