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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

42 thoughts on “Magical Art Gallery – Watch the Video!

  1. That was soo sweet and so inspirational in itself!! Lots to think about and lots to be thankful for!! Thank you for this little gift and Thank You for your fantastic classes in 2016!! I learned so much Paivi!! xoxo ~Gailie

  2. A very inspiring, thought provoking and beautiful video; I loved seeing the ‘healing power’ again, it still speaks to me. I was also delighted with the unexpected moving parts. Many thanks Paivi and best wishes to you for 2017.

  3. Very beautiful combination of the music with your art, it’s very inspiring!
    Thank you for sharing Paivi and all the best for 2017.

  4. I love your art and the video is a wonderful way of creating a deeper inspiration to the viewer.
    Thank you
    Love and blessed inspiration for the New Year

  5. Thank you for this wonderful gift – what you created is very magical! I immediately went to my 1 year old grandson and hugged him since he gives me so many smiles.The best part of your friendship is that you draw out the emotions that are inside and for that I’m very grateful. I’m blessed to have you in my life.

  6. Beautyfull colorfull message – being inspired bij your questions, I want to thank you for all you shared with me during this year,
    Have a happy christmass time and an inspired new year !
    With love,

  7. Thank you dear Paivi! Loved the beautiful video and looking forward to more lessons in 2017. Happy Holidays to you!

  8. What a precious gift to your readers. There is truly magic in the colors, marks, and tender impetus of our creativity. Blessings, Dear One.

  9. that is beautiful. Thanks and best wishes for healthy, happiness and beauty from your mind and hands.

  10. Oh Paivi, your magical gift made a wonderful start to my day–I am so grateful for the beauty and light and joy you bring to my world. Thank you, dearest one.

  11. thanks so much paivi – I learn so much from you — have a wonderful holiday season and a happy healthy new year —

  12. Thank you, Paivi, for the beautiful and inspirational video! My very warmest wishes to you and your family for a very merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year!

  13. Kiitos Paivi, teit jalleen ihanan olon minulle. Onnellista joulua ja kaikkea hyvaa sinulle ja rakkaillesesi.

  14. Love the video, Paivi. Happy holidays to you and your family and I hope 2017 brings you peace, good health and happiness.

  15. oh Paivi!!! how wonderful! i love the little pieces that flutter off the page. you create such depth in your art. truly amazing and very inspiring. thank you so much, you …. are a gift <3 merry christmas and all the best to you in the new year!!

  16. Oh thank you Paivi it is beautiful and so full of hope and letting go of the things that bind us. May you too be filled and enjoy the season and new year.

  17. Wow Paivi! So beautiful! I am always drawn to your work. I’m always finding little surprises hidden inside. Sometimes things will peek out from behind an object and other times it is right in the front broad as daylight but soft and inviting. Love the way you teach!!! THANK YOU!!!

  18. Thank you, Paivi! Your video is beautiful and touching. I feel privileged in receiving this gift!

  19. Thank you, Paivi! Your video is beautiful and touching. I feel privileged in receiving this gift!

  20. This was so beautiful, just as you are too beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your art and your heart with us. You are an inspiration to us and are loved greatly. Happy holidays and have a wonderful new year.

  21. Thank you for sharing this, it reminds me of Finland and the Northern Lights! I’ve visited Finland three times and always feel so very peaceful there. I will be re-watching this beautiful art video many times blessings and peace to you!

  22. Just a beautiful presentation. So thoughtful and positive, I had just been thinking how difficult and down this year had been. But I’m now thinking that asking the right questions feels so much better.
    Thank you again and I am so looking forward to working with you in 2017! Happiest holiday wishes to you and yours.

  23. That was lovely and inspirational. I find myself wanting to answer those questions. I think it would make a fine art journal to reflect on the year behind and hope for the year ahead. Thank you, Paige, for all the art, education, inspiration, and encouragement you provide through your blog. I hope to take a class in the future when my health improves. Happy holidays, and a blessed new year to you.

  24. Hi Paivi,
    What a lovely surprise. Thank you so much for your beautiful video and thoughtful caring sentiments.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes from Australia.

  25. The only thing that is bringing me some excitement about the near future is your Inspirational drawing class !

  26. Thank you for this beautiful gift, Paivi, and for all your inspirational and sharing ways. You have greatly enriched my life.

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