New Class: Imagine Monthly!
I have been preparing for the spring season and composing my newest class: Imagine Monthly. This art journaling class lasts from January to June and is slower-paced than my workshops. It also includes less tutoring, but will be perfect for developing artistic skills through regular practice, compelling techniques and new ideas. Hopefully I will see you there! (If you read this in November 2015, you might actually want to stop reading now and purchase the class, as it’s on Black Friday Sale!)
Planning a New Class is Like Creating a New Collection of Art
When I am planning a new class, I use notebooks. I have Moleskine sketchbooks where visual ideas get recorded and a green Moleskine notebook that I use for plans that need more writing. Building a class is a creative process that requires not one idea but hundreds of small ideas that are processed into one focused entity.
When planning a new class, I try to keep the collection of ideas as diverse as possible. I try to include not only technique-oriented ideas but also philosophic ideas, principles, practical problems, various motifs and styles etc. This also affects how my notebooks are filled. I try to be open to all kinds of things and write single sentences, play with different styles and break the content in modules that I can use for building new kind of combinations.
In my opinion, even most elaborate art journals should have occasional style changes and imperfect pages. It’s in the nature of art journaling to support creative process and not try to keep everything as tidy as possible. However, I have noticed that short sentences that made a perfect sense a couple of weeks ago don’t always remain useful. Same thing happens with fast sketches: some are just plain ugly!
That’s why I think it’s important to make more detailed pages too: focus on the shapes and coloring and put more effort on saving the original idea.
Like combining all kind of different ideas for one class, creating art is also a process of building new entities from smaller motifs. These motifs are like building blocks. If you have problems with your imagination, maybe you don’t have enough building blocks in your toolbox? Or if you want to take your style to a new direction, maybe you need new building blocks too?
In my opinion, best art journals include quick sketches, collections of reusable building blocks and luxorious, imaginative pages. These art journals can work as creative portfolios – notebooks that we browse with pleasure to find new ideas for the next pieces.
Imagine Monthly – Pre-Order Now!
Sign up for a 6-month art journaling journey Imagine Monthly to get new building blocks and create pages that will take your art journals to a new level! To thank you, my most active followers and customers, I have tried to make the class as affordable as I can. And if you buy the class during Black Friday weekend, including Cyber Monday (Nov 26th-30th 2015 PST), you will even get a special discount price!
9 thoughts on “New Class: Imagine Monthly!”
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I am in2
I am also in!! And I am excited! Paivi the amount of preparation you put in to developing a class absolutely shows in your end product!! Your classes are SO inspiring and SO worth it!! Thank you!
All signed up and eagerly awaiting the course. Thank you for offering the class at a reduced rate!
I’m looking forward to another one of your classes, Paivi … I wouldn’t miss it for the world. See you in January!
I´m in to. Can’t wait to start spring season. See you there.
I took your Liberated Artist class and learned a lot. I want to continue exploring and your new Imagine Monthly will be prefect. I’ve never made an art journal before and am excited to begin. I just signed up. Thank you Paivi for the Black Friday discount!
A gift to myself! A great way to start a New Year.
Just signed up for what will be yet another amazing course by this amazing artist. Last year I took the Inspirational Drawing Course and have not looked back since! It was a truly, almost magical course for me in that it opened up so many possibilities both in my artistic and personal life. A real metamorphosis indeed! So freeing!
i’m enrolled, and boy, am I excited to know that each month for 6 months I will have my very own art teacher! Woo Hoo!!!!! Thank you, Paivi for these offerings.
Sandy in Dublin, California