Self-Sufficiency in Art Journaling
I love the word “self-sufficiency”. I don’t know if it sounds as wonderful to native English speakers but it reminds me that I am sufficient, I am enough, nothing more is needed.
I am often asked: what materials do you use, what should I shop first when beginning art journaling? In the beginning it is all about the equipment, I understand. But this has happened for me: the more I create, the more I begin to value self-sufficiency. It means that I use what I have. I only buy when I have run out of the material. When making a page I try to find creative ways to use even the tiniest pieces of papers. It makes me happy. I feel independent and powerful.
It is great to have supplies that work for you and shopping them can be a joy too. Still, it is also true that you can make your best adverts, the greatest shop. Only you can create images that you are naturally drawn to. By examining what you like and why, you will first find your own style, and then your own happiness. Self-suffieciency is not always the absolute but in art journaling you really are enough!
6 thoughts on “Self-Sufficiency in Art Journaling”
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That is so true. It is so fascinating and powerful to make my own materials, pictures, papers.
That’s probably why I love your journals too!!
I really love the colors on this page. It just makes me feel happy.
Minä vieläkin vain ihailen ArtJournalingia – vaikka koen kovasti että se vois olla mun juttu. En tiedä mistä aloittaa ja kynnys on korkea. Materiaaleja – myös kierrätystaitoa – löytyy kyllä, tai luulen näin. Aloituspulma…
Aloita tekemällä sivuihin taustoja, työstä useaa sivua vaiheittain kerrallaan, älä laita rimaa liian korkealle! — To overcome beginner’s problems: Start by painting backgrounds, work with many pages at the same time!