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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

The Feelings while Creating Art

Relief, a collage by Peony and Parakeet. See the video about making this!

I wanted to create a video blog post again but due to my flu, I was unable to speak. So I made the video with the background music only, but I think that the subject of it is most interesting: the feelings while creating art! During the creative process we often experience a variety of feelings that have affect on the end result too. You will get to see what I felt while creating this collage!

I often start pretty smoothly, then face several problems and in the end it all comes together. Feeling vulnerable at some point of the process is very common for me. I think that when creating you have to open up so much that it can feel intimidating. But if you do not cross that line, the end result does not feel so close.

Relief, a collage by Peony and Parakeet. See the video about making this and the feelings that it evoked!

Record your feelings while creating! Then analyze how they show in your artwork!

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20 thoughts on “The Feelings while Creating Art

  1. Your title is perfect – you were not just creating but creating art! This is really beautiful and the little pink spot at the top makes me smile as it looks like a fizzy celebratory drink.

      1. I loved watching your process and seeing how you continue to create through all your emotions.

  2. What a beautiful piece of creativity…the process, the video, the piece. Thanks so much for letting us in…

  3. I’m so glad I found your blog. You say what I feel.

    Thank you. I’m always happy to see your posts.

  4. I am one of your newer subscribers and boy am I glad I found you. I find your art very simulating and visually interesting with all the bright colors. Plus you fill the page with your art. I am new artist who is learning, learning, learning. Thank you for all your great ideas, encouragement and inspiration.

  5. Inspiring post and video Paivi. I’ve never thought about actually capturing my feelings while creating art…but when I think about it, I clearly articulate them in my mind as I work. Each addition or choice brings a new set of emotions–Awesome! Oh what have I done? Aaarrgghh! Frustration. Calm acceptance. Elation. Etc. Now if I can only push past when I hit frustration at having ‘wrecked’ something, and keep going, that would be wonderful.

    1. Michelle, thanks for you comment! It was so interesting! Yes, you need to pass that frustration, that’s what I call the “ugly phase”, I often have that, but I just keep going!

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