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Peony and Parakeet

Fly to Your Inner World and Color the Emotion

Wrapping Paper from Newspaper

Wrapping paper from newspapers, full sheet of handdecorated gift paper

Did you know that newspapers are treasures? Neither did I before I began to wrap Christmas presents and realised that I had ran out of wrapping paper. I solved the problem by creating decorated gift paper from newspaper sheets!

Here’s the sheet in the beginning of the process.Wrapping paper from newspapers, the beginning of the process

I had three various reds of india inks which I used to color the background. Any ink would be suitable. And if you do not have ink, paint a thin layer using acrylic paints.Wrapping paper from newspapers, process photo, adding background colours

Wrapping paper from newspapers, a process photo, adding gessoAfter the background paint was dry, I painted round shapes with gesso. If you do not have gesso, use white acrylic paint. Thin, even layers are better than thick and bumpy ones. Let dry.

Finally I took a correction pen, some markers and india ink to decorate the white areas.

Ironing makes the papers smooth and shiny.

Wrapping paper from newspapers, process photo, decorating white areas

I could not help making some more. I varied the shape of white areas to make different designs.
Wrapping paper from newspapers, process photo, adding gesso to create patterns

I was pretty pleased with all the three of them!Wrapping paper from newspapers, three sheets of homemade gift paper

Who would have guessed these were just newspaper sheets in their previous lives!
Wrapping paper from newspapers, three gifts wrapped in homemade gift paper

11 thoughts on “Wrapping Paper from Newspaper

  1. I love the look of these papers, you did a great job. Now if I would only run out of wrapping paper. Unfortunately I have a good supply. I may try this anyways.


  2. WOW! I’ve decorated and seen others’ decorated newspaper art, but THIS is spectacular! Holy Moly, I am so inspired. Lol, I know mine could never be close to this artistic, but you have inspired me 😀 Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  3. Hei,
    Astuin vahingossa tähän satumaailmaasi. Niin hienoja ovat työsi, että ihmettelen ja ihmettelen. Haluaisin itsekin osata jotain näin mielikuvituksellista, värikästä ja kaunista.
    Olen ihan aloittelija: haluaisin kysyä, että mitä ovat india ink ja gesso? En nopeasti googlaamalla saanut selkoa. Toiseksi: saisiko sinun töistäsi näyttelyä? Kolmanneksi: onko helmikuussa kursseja? Tai voitko mahdollisesti pitää kurssin, jos hankin osallistujia johonkin muuhun aikaan vuodesta? Neljänneksi: haluaisin ostaa ehkä jotakin, voiko töitäsi tulla katsomaan paikan päälle?
    Yst. terv. Jaana

  4. Thanks so much for the comments, all!

    Jaana asked: What is india ink and gesso? India ink is a certain type of ink that can be easily added on almost any surface. But you do not have to have any particular ink here, you can use any ink or replace it with a thin layer of acrylics. Gesso is a sealer that is often used for the first layer. I use gesso on any layer, it makes a great background. You can buy inks and gesso from art supplies stores.

    Jaana also asked if I could arrange an exhibition of my art. I have never had my work in galleries, other than online galleries. There’s a couple of reason for that. First, I love internet and have always preferred to show my work for the world instead of locally. And second: at the moment I have a day job and I do not have enough time to make larger size artwork. Third, I do not have a lot of artwork myself, many have been sold. But I intend to make videos from my art, have an online exhibition that way. Some of my artwork is for sale at Etsy http://peonyandparakeet.etsy.com

    Jaana asked if I teach courses and I do. The dates for the spring are not confirmed yet.

    I will also reply to Jaana in Finnish by email. For the Finnish readers: I am in the process of making a page dedicated for you where you can get the information on local events and such in a nutshell. (Suomalaisille siis tekeillä oma sivu, joka on tiivistelmä paikallisista jutuista kuten kursseista Suomessa)

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